Friday, October 12, 2007


Seeing as the internet only allows me to connect to Blogger when it deigns, I have been forced to compose posts offline and publish only when I manage to log on...

I was saying: living on one’s own is quite an experience. I have forced to cook – not that I haven’t always wished for an opportunity, but some of my attempts are quite disturbing.. Consider yesterday’s dinner: Left over spaghetti and spinach and parmesan cheese, into which, since it was cold, I decided to throw some leftover salad – tomatoes, olives, feta and sweet corn in olive oil and black pepper. All this washed down with Mango Juice, which I chose over a glass of wine since II had to get back to work after dinner, but which in the end I spiked with some wine anyway! The overall result – don’t try any of this at home! I had to eat though because I hate to waste food – it wasn’t unpleasant as such, just strange… I had to tear open a packet of Macadamia nuts that I had been saving for a special occasion to recover from the experience…

And then later in the night after I came from brushing my teeth, I pulled on the door of my bedroom to shut it and the handle came off in my hand – I just had to laugh to myself because how random is that? I can assure you such things take on a really weird hue late at night when you live alone. Luckily I was able to reattach the handle – just a loose screw I discovered.

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