Friday, October 12, 2007

Bloggin jus coz I'm online

This is what our poor internet has reduced me to - being idle and disoderly the one time I am able to log on!! It's the Eid celebration today and the Uni is closed so there aren't as many people on the network! Yippee!!

Not that I have much to say mind - I am simply sitting here, plotting to steal the furniture in our office waiting area - some really nice furniture that the students made as a project that is completely going to waste!! At the moment it is used to store computer speakers, a pile of A1 paper and some blankets that we occasionally need to black out rooms so we can use projectors. Being the only person here today, I am thinking of just comandeering some labour from passersby and taking it down to my place - after all, I am the official faculty head at the moment and I should be able to do ANYTHING (hehehehe - laughing manically!)

Otherwise, thinking of getting back to town earlyish, so I can gt back here on Sunday and MAYBE then I will be able to get some work done!! Banange, this having to motivate oneself is not a picnic!!

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