Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I have come to realise, through both my own and other people's experience that there are many, many easy and painless ways to do things (painless at that very moment anyway), but that anything that will bring you lasting peace, happiness and fulfilment requires hard work and sacrifice.. I have read about how people have turned their lives around as soon as they decided to quit taking short cuts or depending on other people to make their decisions or being overly concerned about how society will view their actions, blah, blah, blah.. I believe this deeply, infact this is practically a personal mantra, but I have often fallen short of acting on them - especially the working hard and sticking it! I lack commitment in alot of things that I do!!

Which leads me to wonder over and over again - what is the root of my problem - is it lack of belief?? Or is lack of commitment a separate issue? A book that I read once - emotional intelligence - said that we generally have to motivate ourselves by an act of will to act on anything. So maybe the question is do I lack the will to do what I have to do?

I can only think of one time that I acted on something that I believed needed to be done and the results were great - why can't I learn from that?? Ah well, I guess I am a work in progress - just gotta stick this out.. Can't give up!!

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