Monday, September 24, 2007

On growing older

I have to admit to a certain amount of superstition – somehow I feel that 33 will be my lucky year! I relate this to the day I opened a journal to document a certain high growth period in my life, and I remember starting it on the 3rd of March 2003, a date that had numerologists all over the world salivating – I for one did not see anything out of the ordinary happen except the opening of my little journal..

Anyway, here we are at age 33! I feel that somehow I have gotten over whole idea of being in my mid thirties – I always thought one had to be really confident and successful to claim such an age, but on reflection, and based on recent events, I have to say I am at the top of my game (or I wish I were but ok, details!!) :-)

Speaking of recent events, just got back from a week of meetings in quality assurance of higher education in Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar and I have to say, they were the best I ever attended as far as conferences and workshops go!! At the moment I feel a little overwhelmed with the other pressures on my time after I got back to the office but I am determined to start delegating more!! At any rate, the time spent at these events increased my belief that I really have great potential, that there are a myriad of opportunities out there, and that I have a special ability to influence people because I naturally assumed positions of leadership and hobnobbed effortlessly with people of varied international expereince (including TWO former ministers - Senegal and Burundi, both of whom gave me their cards and asked me to get in touch - like seriously!)

In short, life continues to look up!

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