Wednesday, May 23, 2007


No... Not the weather - no, that is more like simmering - or maybe more accurately, thawing - the weather has become a pet peeve of mine incidentally, no wonder the Dutch and The Belgians discuss it so much!! I check for forecasts all day, take ages to decide decide what to wear since it very quickly turns from nice and sunny to angry and rainy, etc..

No, I'm boiling with ideas!! I have set myself such alot of tasks, and at any one time I am trying to develop all of them at once - I have to do a personal project to present at the end of this training for instance, then I have to prepare a poster presentation for the conference that I will attend in Belfast in July (on which I still have NO idea how to proceed!!), and ofcourse ideas for The Big Picture, my career advice consultancy, are also always pressing in!! Basically I never know what to concentrate on and what not!! In particular, I think I tend to set myself really LOFTY goals - and then I suffer with the details afterwards - I suppose I need to learn how to break things up in small pieces and then concentrate on each - the only problem is that I get easily bored so I need variety - unfortunately this means I am not always very effective!!!! And then I feel as if I am just procrastinating, and then I look back over the time that has passed, and I cannot see a single thing that I have accomplished from beginning to end - quite depressing!!!

Anyway, the new idea came to me as I reflected on the problems I am meeting in getting even ONE seminar organised with The Big Picture as I am yet to meet even one school director or careers master!! I thought ofcourse that the distance might have something to do with it - I work in Nkozi and I'm there all week - is there a way I could still provide this service at that distance?? So I thought I could develop an actual workbook - make it attractive and colourful, multimedia and all that.. But even as I thought it, I realise I need start up money for that because the materials that I have in mind are not really locally available - so I am again in a quandry.. I am a good one for coming up with ideas, maybe I need a partner with more business sense.. But trully I need to work on that making smaller assignments for myself, concentrating on them and FINISHING them!! I live too much in the future..

In anycase, with The Big Picture, I always feel as though I have to be COMPLETELY prepared, but maybe I really don't - I only have to be prepared to give one specific, small, manageable service - I mean there is not harm in having a vision, but I must understand that I can only realise a vision a little at a time!!

1 comment:

JOG said...

Hey Cons. Yeah i feel like that sometime... never actually sitting down to do something from start to finish. and yet i find that the people i find to be effective list what they must do, start and finish one task and move on to the next... They draw up a fresh list every day (eh ok wait part of this is how i do things and i am yet to get to my own list of efficiency.)
My bussiness advice to you is wait to think too big about Promo material because that should ordinarly come as you go along... for now do your basic information sheet and sell the Big Picture by word of mouth and visiting. if someone sent me a fancy catatloge i would look at the gloss and the pictures and let it be.... so visit and follow up and spend more on airtime and petrol to go visit the guys. you know that you would leave a more lasting impression if only of your pretty face then they shall feel compelled to call back.