Friday, October 12, 2007


From the outset, let me state that I am a big believer in perspiration - hard work will get you everywhere! It’s just that I am not a great perspirator; I’ll work much better under inspiration, fickle as that can be!! Point in case: I have been struggling to write a proposal for weeks and weeks, and I haven’t been feeling inspired that much – I mean yeah, I have had plenty of inspired moments, but none lasted long enough for me to get much on paper! Every now and then I have to lie down and take a nap and try to re-boot but no can do. I am now faced with a hard decision: Looks like I will have to perspire through this one!! I really really want to get this done coz it is meant to be the beginning of the rest of my life, literally, but eh?? The effort!! I am fresh back from my latest nap and I’m still looking blankly at the screen..

The books ‘Emotional Intelligence’ and ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ have really spoken to me on this subject – hard work gets the job done much more reliably than inspiration – although the latter will come in handy if you really want to produce a Masterpiece. I do believe though that inspiration will come to you while you work, not while you lie on your bed dreaming (ok, then too but you know what I mean)

That said, I better get onto the bicycle and start peddling!!!

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