Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ghanaians looove me..

This has started badly - I lost an entire post before I even managed to post it!!

Anyway, I was saying - I have inardvertently joined the 27% of internet users that have a blog - all because I had to find somewhere to vent about the Ghanaians that have been hounding me lately - ok, I have only met two BUT - they are rather persistent and irritating little fellas!! Hounding me with calls - they got my number from me by loudly and publically pestering me till I gave it to them to get rid of them!! I think I should print fake cards and give them out to these types - hey, why did I never think of THAT??!!?

The one that I met today started off with that all time killer line:

"You look soooo familiar - do I know you from somewhere?" - Honestly!!

Turns out he's called Barry - does any one know an actual living person called Barry?? Is it short for anything or is it a whole name?? Anyway, his parting shot was to ask me to continue with the gorgeousness - I am ashamed that I felt obliged to make a retort to that and but ended up only managing a weak "God is the one.. Only God - (what?)" - imagine that!!

I met the second one in a shop on Saturday, he lives in Antwerp (1hr from here by train) and was visiting for a day - he started off by asking me if I lived alone - ?? - so I told him no, I shared an appartment with an Ethiopian girl, and that all my foreign classmates lived on the same floor in case he got any ideas - truly I don't even know why I feel I have to make up ANYthing - I should have just brushed him off - but alas, I have never acquired the knack for that.. Anyway, his reply was that that wasn't a problem, HE lived alone and so could I take some of my own money, and go visit him in Antwerp?? Tsk, tsk..

Is it any wonder that I was driven to creating a blog??


Unknown said...

hey connie, loads of Irish people are called Barry!!!!dont know what its short for but I will find out and let you know, glad your using your time in Belgium effectively

JOG said...

Girlie Connie... Ok that Pink is sooooo girlie my eyes hurt from the prettiness it is exuding....Now these Ghanaians.. What? I don't envy you....I shall faithfully log onto this Blog to read ur escapades... which it seems may be better entertainment than Desparate house wives (urs is more unpredictable and happens in real time) :-). Era those weak replies we need to work on them!!!!! I shall see how i can print off these stories for DT because she is missing out on alot.
So how tall exactly are these Ghanaians? May i ask?

Unknown said...

Connie dear, i know how IRRITATING it can be to be running away from someone u're not interested in! I feel sorry for you, and I really do wish we could both be good at driving them away!!!
Hey I'll check out on ur blog once in a while to keep up with what's going on in ur life.U r real good in writing.
Take care of urself and find the right one, dearest. BTW,what do these Ghanians look like?